This show is an exceptional example of a painter who is inspired by life. Kocher takes the landscape as inspiration….changing, no, transforming it into a moving piece of painting. He expresses his joy…his struggle…his love of place…. through paint. His ability to let us, the viewer, finish the painting visually…is a gift that actively involves us. He paints with a truth and honesty rarely seen in someone his age. Fine work……honored to call him my friend!
This show is an exceptional example of a painter who is inspired by life. Kocher takes the landscape as inspiration….changing, no, transforming it into a moving piece of painting. He expresses his joy…his struggle…his love of place…. through paint. His ability to let us, the viewer, finish the painting visually…is a gift that actively involves us. He paints with a truth and honesty rarely seen in someone his age. Fine work……honored to call him my friend!