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John David Wissler

“My passion has always been the landscape. I feel a sense of history when painting… the painters I admire and study, Corot, Constable, Turner, Inness, Bonard, Resika…the history of the land itself and my own familiar connection to it. Painting comes through the study of nature…transformed, not merely copied. Seeing the immediacy of the place…what strikes me first. The way trees react to fields, colour to colour, shape to shape…pushing and pulling the plastic nature of the picture plane, creating believable space.

I find the challenge of using what I have observed, taking it to my studio, and creating a new painting invigorating. Drawing upon the memory of place and experience…using the language I have learned from nature, trying to keep the painting fresh…space, clarity, surprise…that’s painting!” – John David Wissler

About the artist

Pennsylvania born
BFA, Kutztown University
MFA, Parsons School of Design

Hershey Chocolate Corporation
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Residence
The Public Schools of Korea
Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission
Parsons School of Design

Pennsylvania School of Art and Design,
Lancaster, PA (Figure Drawing)
Art Association of Harrisburg,
Harrisburg, PA (Plein-air Painting)
Harrisburg Area Community College,
Harrisburg, PA (Drawing)

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